Control Port Devices Driver

Installing the virtual COM port driver software on a computer makes possible CAT communication via a USB cable to the SCU-17 or an compatible transceivers. This will allow computer control of TX (PTT, KEY, FSK), and the audio In/Out interface (except the FT-891). The COM port is also used for updating the transceiver firmware. View the device interface GUID, Hardware Id, and device class information about your device. Find this registry key and note the DeviceInstance value: HKEYLOCALMACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control DeviceClasses. Find the device instance registry key and get the device interface GUID: HKEYLOCALMACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Enum USB Device Parameters.

In case a particular USB Port or all the USB Ports on your computer are not working, you should be able to fix the problem by using any of the methods as provided below to fix the issue of USB Ports not working in Windows 10.

Control port devices driver license test

USB Ports Not Working in Windows 10

The USB ports on a Windows 10 computer can stop working and become unresponsive due to device drivers getting corrupted, power supply to USB ports being cutoff and other reasons.

Luckily, many users have reported fixing the problem of USB Ports not working in Windows 10 using the following methods.

  1. Power OFF/Start Computer Again
  2. Reinstall Faulty Device Drivers
  3. Disable Fast Startup
  4. Change Power Management Settings
  5. Disable USB Selective Suspend Setting
  6. Check For Updates

Before going ahead with these methods, make sure that the problem is with the USB Port and not with the USB device that you are trying to connect to the computer.

To check, plug in another device into the USB port of your computer and see if it is working. If the new device is also not working, it confirms that the USB Port is not working.

1. Power Off Computer and Start Again

Sometimes the problem of USB Ports not working in Windows 10 can be fixed by the simple act of shutting down your computer and starting it back again.

Simply, power OFF your computer and also unplug the computer from its power source. After waiting for 2 minutes, connect the computer back to its power source and Power it on.

2. Reinstall Faulty Device Drivers

The problem of USB Ports not working in Windows 10 could be due to the drivers for USB Ports getting corrupted.

This issue can be fixed by uninstalling all the Faulty device drivers and allowing Windows to automatically reinstall the drivers back on your computer.

1. Right-click on the Start button and then click on Device Manager.

2. On the Device Manager screen, right-click on the USB Controllers with an exclamation mark and click on Uninstall in the contextual menu.

4. Repeat the above steps for other USB Controllers with exclamation marks.


5.Restart your computer.

Once your computer restarts, Windows should automatically load the right drivers as required for USB Ports on your computer.

3. Disable Fast Startup


The Fast Startup option as available in Windows 10 can sometimes lead to Windows skipping USB Ports during the start up process.

1. Open the Control Panel on your computer.

2. On the Control Panel Screen, click on Hardware and Sound > Change What Power Buttons Do link.

3. On the next screen, scroll down to “Shutdown Settings” and uncheck Turn on fast startup option.

With Fast Startup disabled you will find your computer booting up a bit slower, but you may not even notice the difference.

4. Change Power Management Setting For USB Root Hub

The default tendency of Windows computer to turn-off power supply to unused USB ports and external device can cause the problem of USB Ports not working in Windows 10.

1. Right-Click on Start button and then click on Device Manager option.

2. On the device Manager Screen, right-click on USB Root Hub and click on Properties.

3. On the Properties screen, click on Power Management tab and uncheck the option for “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power” and click on OK.

In case you have more USB Root Hubs, you will need to repeat the above steps for them as well.

5. Disable USB Selective Suspend Setting

In case all the USB Ports are not working on your computer, you can disable Selective Suspend Power Setting for all the USB Ports on your computer.

1. Open Control Panel on your computer.

2. On the Control Panel Screen, make sure that you are in “Category” view and click on System and Security.

3. On the System and Security Screen, click on Power Options.

4. On Power Options screen, click on Change Plan Settings link located next to the current Power Plan.

5. Next, click on Change Advanced Power Settings link.

6. On the next screen, click on USB Settings > USB selective suspend setting and select disabled option for “Plugged In” and also for “On Battery” in case you are using a Laptop.

7. Click on OK to save above settings.

6. Check For Updates

See if an Update is available for your computer. If an update is available, Windows will also install the latest available drivers for USB Ports on your computer.

1. Click on the Start button > Settings Icon > Updates & Security.

2. On the Update and Security screen, click on Windows Update in the side menu and click on Check For Updates button.

3. Allow Windows to check for available updates and install them onto your computer

In case updates are available, the latest available device drivers will also be installed on your computer.

Usb Port Drivers


The higher-level driver of a class/port pair can sometimes complete IRPs in its DispatchDeviceControl routine. For example a class driver could, during initialization, gather and store information about the features of the underlying device, which might be sought in a subsequent IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL request, and thus save processing time by satisfying the request without passing it on to the underlying device driver. A class driver might also be designed to check the IRP's parameters and send only requests with valid parameters to the port driver.

Closely coupled class/port drivers also can define a set of driver-specific or device-specific internal I/O control codes that the class driver can use for IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL requests to the port driver.

For example, the DispatchCreateClose routines in the system keyboard and mouse class drivers send system-defined internal device control requests to enable or disable keyboard and mouse interrupts to the underlying port drivers. These system class drivers set up IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL requests for an underlying port driver. Any new keyboard or mouse port driver that interoperates with these system class drivers also must support these public internal device control requests.

The system parallel class/port driver model has similar features. New parallel class drivers can get support from the system parallel port driver by setting up IRPs for IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL requests with public IOCTL_PARALLEL_PORT_XXX control codes. You can replace the system parallel port driver, but any new driver also must support this set of public internal device control requests.

For more information about these public internal device control requests, see device-specific documentation in the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). For information about how to define private I/O control codes, see Using I/O Control Codes.

For a closely coupled pair of port/class drivers, the class driver might handle the processing of certain device control requests without passing them on to the port driver. In a new class/port driver pair, the class driver's DispatchDeviceControl routine can do either of the following:

Control Port Devices Driver Ed

  • Check the validity of the parameters in its own I/O stack location, set the I/O status block if it finds any parameter errors, and call IoCompleteRequest with a PriorityBoost of IO_NO_INCREMENT; otherwise, call IoGetNextIrpStackLocation copy its own I/O stack location into the port driver's, and pass the IRP on with IoCallDriver.

  • Or, do nothing more than set up the port driver's I/O stack location in the IRP without checking parameters and pass it on to the port driver for processing.

Com Port Driver

SCSI class drivers have special requirements for handling device control requests. For more information about these requirements, see Storage Drivers.