Download Ateq USB Devices Driver

  1. Download Ateq USB Devices Driver
  2. Download Ateq Usb Devices Drivers

SAMSUNGUSBDriverforMobilePhones.exe The USB Driver for Windows is available for download on this page. You need the driver only if you are developing on Windows and want to connect a Samsung Android device to your development environment over USB. Windows comes with drivers for many devices, such as printers, displays, keyboards, and TVs. A driver is software that a device uses to work with your PC. Every device needs a driver to work with your PC. So, in many cases, you can plug in a device, and it’ll work automatically. Windows can also download device software and info. Download drivers for NVIDIA products including GeForce graphics cards, nForce motherboards, Quadro workstations, and more. Update your graphics card drivers today. Device driver for all The Imaging Source USB cameras except the 33U, 37U, 38U and AFU auto focus series. Intel Core i3 or similar, 2 GB RAM; USB 3.0 or USB 2.0 controller (depends upon camera model) Graphics card with 24 or 32 bit.

Improvements and fixes

This update includes a fix for an incorrect device driver (“Microsoft – WPD – 2/22/2016 12:00:00 AM - 5.2.5326.4762”) that was released by a third-party on March 8, 2017 that affected a small group of users with USB connected phones or other media devices that rely on Media Transfer Protocol (MTP). If the driver is on your system, when any of these devices are connected, Windows will try to install this driver. These devices will not be connected until the driver is removed. This incorrect driver was removed from Windows Update the same day, but it may have been downloaded to your computer. After installing this update the incorrect driver will be removed.


How to get this update


Download Ateq USB Devices Driver

This update will be downloaded and installed automatically from Windows Update. To get the stand-alone package for this update, go to the Microsoft Update Catalog website.

If you are not able to connect your phone or media device via USB and are not running one of these Windows versions, you can still remove this driver using the process described here:

Download Ateq Usb Devices Drivers